Monday, January 01, 2007

[Development issues] Africa's infrastructure

National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation dedicated a show entitled 'Giving Africa Infrastructure for Growth.'

NPR's website explains:

The wheels of commerce turn on paved roads, working phones and dependable power. In the United States, we take these things for granted. In parts of Africa, infrastructure is either crumbling or non-existent. Guests explore how some people hope to make Africa work better.


Steve Morrison, director of the Africa Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.

Thomas Gibian, managing director of the Emerging Markets Partners. He is head of African investments for EMP.

Eloho Otobo, chief of the Policy Analysis and Monitoring Unit in the Office of the Special Advisor for Africa at the United Nations.

You can access the audio of this show by clicking here.

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