Monday, December 18, 2006

[FOG/PC-Guinea news]: Gender conferences a go!

Friends of Guinea Secretary Stephanie Chasteen passed along the following information from PCV Brian Buehler. He reports that Peace Corps Partnership Program (PCPP) has agreed to allow funding for the gender conferences. These conferences, run by Peace Corps volunteers in the field, have been one of the most successful projects ever sponsored by FOG. Thanks to everyone who wrote to PC and PCPP in support of the conferences! Brian B's letter is below:

Friends of Guinea,

We received confirmation last week that OPSI will again permit camps – which includes the Gender Conferences – as viable projects under the Peace Corps Partnership Proposal (PCPP) guidelines. This is exciting news, as it will truly facilitate the funding of the Conferences. It was clear that your communication had a fundamental influence on their thought process as they made this decision. Thank you for continuing to work hard for the people and volunteers of Guinea. You are having a great effect here, even from so far away!

We have been working hard on the Girls’ Conferences, and they promise to be excellent this year. With the move last year of the Fouta Conference, we will be well integrated into the community of Mamou and can take full advantage of all its resources. Basse Cote Volunteers will also participate in Mamou, where they should find the facilities at ENATEF excellent as always and the burden of travel a bit lighter. Planning for the Haute Guinée Conference is in full swing as well, with the usual generous community contributions and volunteer enthusiasm. We also look forward to incorporating two local organizations into the fold as planning partners for the Conferences. This will aid the volunteer organizers in their preparation and ease the transition from one generation of volunteers to the next.

We will be submitting the PCPP Proposal for the Girls Conferences shortly. Thanks very much for your help over the past few months, as we could not have done it without you.

Brian Buehler
Third-year Agency Initiatives Volunteer
Peace Corps Guinea

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