Sunday, December 10, 2006

[FOG/PC Guinea news] Progress on Gender Conference funding snafu

Earlier, Friends of Guinea reported on threats to the Gender Conferences by some recent Peace Corps administrative changes. Peace Corps Guinea Country Director Steve Petersen reports the following update:

FOG members:

We received guidance that indicates OPSI [Office of Projects and Special Initiatives] will fund 'camps', but the guidance didn't specifically address the issue of funding transportation and lodging. Though a large part of any 'camp' cost, this cannot be assumed (and, the guidance was based on the liability issues involved with 'camps', not the lodging and transportation issue), so I asked for clarification.

Today I received word from PC/W [Peace Corps headquarters in Washington] that lodging and transportation can be funded, and we are now actively working on getting the proposals (for both the girls and boys conferences) ready to send to OPSI. We'll let you know when they have been reviewed and posted.

I am also working on getting the excess funds returned from the conferences last year applied to the the events planned for this year; something OPSI told us they would do, and now that the lodging and transportation issue has been resolved, I believe it is something we can make happen.

Best to all of you, and thank you for your continued support.

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